Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Winning London

The HSM cast are currently in London doing promos (and the like) in the run up to Sunday's premiere. UK folksies (and our Zac loving sistas) are enjoying having the lovely Mr. Efron over there but the rest of us will have to be content with these gorge pics of him and the cast, taken in London.

We're all in London together...

There's the smile!

Hello London!

Please like HSM 2

Pretty please?

We'll keep our eyes open for more pics/media and news of Zac in London. I can just imagine, promos, premiere pics on the red carpet, interview clips...Oh, a biiit distracted there. Sarah and I will do the needful when we see the pretties.

You Can't Stop the Beat


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Australia!

Pash said...

And the wait is over, hon. :D Pics are here but we are waiting to get untagged images...We'll have those up as soon as they're released. :)