Monday, August 27, 2007

Nicest Kids in Town Photobucket

Alright my lovelies, it's time for me to give you a present. I know, it's not Christmas. And for most of you it's probably not your birthday. (If it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY {:) But, as you have seen in our recent posts, we have quite a collection of pictures for these five up-and-coming stars, and, try as we might, we cannot blog every picture from every event. So, I have come up with a solution. I have made a "nicest kids" photobucket account. I, along with Pash, will try to keep it as updated as possible with pictures from events. That way, when you see our small collection and you feel the need to see more, it's all just a click away.

That being said, I have to ask that you try to respect it. If you use them, just credit our blog. A little pimping from our readers never hurt. I'll be honest with you, the more people we have reading, the more excited we'll be, and chances are, the more posting we'll do. Don't hotlink. Save the pictures to your computer and then upload them to your own server before posting them somewhere. If you don't, all of the bandwidth will get used up, and no one will be able to see the pictures.

I love this cast as much, I'm hoping, as you do, and I love that I can share these pictures with you. Just know, that if you abuse this, I will take it away, and make it private. I don't want to be mean, but I want to keep things fair.

So, without further ado, I bring you The Nicest Kids in Town Photobucket

You Can't Stop the Beat

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